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The Problem

When the pandemic hit, companies worldwide were suddenly forced to ask their employees to work from home. However, most individuals were not prepared for what was involved in remote work, including the impact on their mental health. There were also no quick and easy team building exercises that improved team collaboration, even while members sat in different timezones.
As a consulting company focused on workshopping, our client noticed that many companies incorporated very few "off-site" team building workshops. Though they are enjoyable and educational, they typically do not help transform the way teams go about completely their daily tasks.

The Product

The #lovework app lets a team practice team building exercises every morning during the week day. The exercises are specifically designed to help foster team building and collaboration. The teams are encouraged to participate and provide feedback to each other duing those exercises in the form of comments, likes etc. The users can also keep practicing those exercises multiple times in a day as they please. Users can also view their team, member profiles, and edit profile.

The Tech Solution

The #lovework app is built on Flutter using BLoC architecture pattern. The app support local and in-app notifications. The backend is built on Firebase using Firebase cloud functions, Realtime database and cloud storage for storing images. The team also used Google App scripts to dynamically move each team to next practice at the start of the week.
Firebase cloud functions are used across the app to send out custom content for different teams. Google App scripts are used to trigger local notifications at the start of each week and expire old content as well. The backend is build to let the Helios team dynamically move teams and content based as per end user request.

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They put in extra effort to meet deadlines.

Caroline Holstein, CXO, Lovework