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Save app

The Problem

How to protect media freedom: preserving, amplifying, and securely routing mobile media to community-maintained collections in accessible public and private archives, outside the corporate walled gardens currently dominating the online media ecosystem.

The Product

Anyone with a phone can expose global injustice. OpenArchive helps history's first responders safely store, verify, and share critical evidence. The application is available for download on iOS and Android app stores.

The Tech Solution

Our team worked with the OpenArchive team on rebooting their flagship Android mobile app, which was retooled from Java to Kotlin. The app uses standard UI components but there is heavy usage of encryption in order to securely upload audio/video clips. The app also uses the TOR project to let users connect securely via VPN.

The application does not store any personal identifable information on device. In order to provide users the freedom to choose their hosting platform, the app lets users upload documents to Dropbox, web-dav backed products like NextCloud, and Internet Archive.

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The team's been a pleasure to work with!

John Hess, Tech Lead, Save app